Thursday, October 19, 2006

Use attached script to install firefox2RC3 in linux

1) copy script in to your home folder
2) download firefox2RC3 from
(linux only ) smb://192.248. 17.175/tuxy/ application/ firefox-2. 0rc3.tar. gz
ftp://ftp.mozilla. org/pub/mozilla. org/firefox/ releases/ 2.0rc3/linux- i686/en-US/ firefox-2. 0rc3.tar. gz
3) copy it to home folder
4) run script
# ./bonechoRC2. sh

5) have fun!

note: U can find windowx versions also @ ftp://ftp.mozilla. org/pub/mozilla. org/firefox/ releases/ 2.0rc3/win32/ en-US/Firefox% 20Setup%202. 0%20RC%203. exe

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