Saturday, December 12, 2020

State Machine implementation for Spring Boot Project

Well I do not write a lot about it. You have plenty of resources to read about it. The behavior of state machines can be observed in many devices in modern society that perform a predetermined sequence of actions depending on a sequence of events with which they are presented. Here is my take on State machine implemenation for Spring Boot Project

How to Dockerize your HashiCorp Vault set up with nginx reverse proxy

If you have Dockerized HashiCorp Vault, you might need to access it over the internet or from outside your internal network. The most common standard is to run your Vault set up behind the reverse proxy. Then of course you have to configure HTTPS connection. More Info from my medium blog post.

How to Dockerize your Keycloak set up with nginx reverse proxy

If you have Dockerized Keycloak, you might need to access it over the internet or from outside your internal network. The most common standard is to run your Keycloak set up behind the reverse proxy. Then of course you have to configure HTTPS connection. More Info from my medium blog post.

State Machine implementation for Spring Boot Project

Well I do not write a lot about it. You have plenty of resources to read about it. The behavior of state machines can be observed in many d...