Thursday, July 19, 2007

Google Summer of Code 2007

:-) Starting with smile since this my first non technical article (That does not mean I am technical person ;-) ).

Although it was announced in February, finally I thought to write something. ;-)

It is annual program started in 2005.
"We accepted over 900 student applicants from a pool of nearly 6,200 applications." ----- Google.

So I am amongst that 900 :-). I submitted two proposals for Sahana project. One about GPS and other about AJAX. OOps my GPS proposal got rejected. :-(

Finally, other one that is my own idea "Complete AJAX library for Sahana" accepted. :-D

Now I am in the process of developing that library and I am on schedule I guess ;-). So I am pretty sure I will be able to submit my final delivery on time.

This is amazing program. Thanks Google ! :-)


SRIshanu said...

This is a great achievement… Very proud of you… Wish all the very best for your project.

Gayan said...

Congratulations man !!!!!!!!!
I hope u'll be able to do that.

Ishan said...

Thanks guys. :-)

ABCD said...

My Congratulations for submitting your Project.

Ishan said...

Thanks buddhika :-)

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